Blog Comments Disabled

Hey guys, due to a recent influx in spam comments, I've had to disable the ability to post new comments site-wide. If you have any feedback for me or would…

Initial Kali Linux Configuration Update

If you checked out my Initial Kali Linux Configuration video before, I just added a new package to my configuration script - seclists. It contains a large assortment of word…

Hacking Ice from THM

On this episode of The Joy of Hacking, we tackle an oldy but a goody - Ice by DarkStar7471. This is a great video to show to your friends who…

Penetration Test Reporting

Alright guys, the next video in the Joy of Hacking series is up on YouTube! This time we are going over a formal penetration test report, showing what the report…

Getting Started with YouTube Editing

This isn't strictly hacking related, but it's some information I wanted to put out here nonetheless in case any of you reading are thinking of starting your own channels! The…

Kali Linux Initial Config

A new video is up on the TJoH YouTube channel and this time we take a look at how to make some adjustments to a fresh Kali Linux install using…

Notes Dump

I've been studying offensive security for a few years now and in that time I've amassed a number of notebooks detailing what I've learned. In the links below you can…

Welcome to The Joy of Hacking

Hello everyone! This is Matt and you're reading The Joy of Hacking. This is a companion blog to the popular Joy of Hacking series hosted on YouTube. Here you will…