Hey guys, due to a recent influx in spam comments, I've had to disable the ability to post new comments site-wide. If you have any feedback for me or would…
If you checked out my Initial Kali Linux Configuration video before, I just added a new package to my configuration script - seclists. It contains a large assortment of word…
Alright guys, the next video in the Joy of Hacking series is up on YouTube! This time we are going over a formal penetration test report, showing what the report…
This isn't strictly hacking related, but it's some information I wanted to put out here nonetheless in case any of you reading are thinking of starting your own channels! The…
I've been studying offensive security for a few years now and in that time I've amassed a number of notebooks detailing what I've learned. In the links below you can…
Hello everyone! This is Matt and you're reading The Joy of Hacking. This is a companion blog to the popular Joy of Hacking series hosted on YouTube. Here you will…